And you White Dove seem to have a habit of following me around to piss on me! Trying to stir up more drama by any chance?
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
And you White Dove seem to have a habit of following me around to piss on me! Trying to stir up more drama by any chance?
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
I'm not even 100% sure I do consider depression as a mental illness, as it is so common nowadays. Sometimes I think it is just a normal part of human existence, the low that is the inevitable flip side of the highs.
After about 10 years of being sick and depressed, I realized that is not who I am and have learned not to define myself that way. Sometimes I'm sick, and sometimes I'm not. Sometimes, I'm sad and low, sometimes I'm not. Sometimes, I'm fat, sometimes I'm not. It's all just meaningless labels, in a way. Not incredibly useful to us in our life's journey, but can actually deter us from achieving what we want, if we buy into them.
Well, that's my thoughts, for what they're worth. I should probably apologize, once again, to all those I've offended on this thread. It seems to happen more and more lately. What can I say? Sometimes, I'm nice. Sometimes, I'm not!
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
Thank God there were other Problems that Popped up..
That did make me laugh out loud, Outlaw. There is alway something! Which is why I think it best to try and just enjoy life and enjoy other people, however we find them, old, young, fat, thin, sick, well, smart..., I confess I still have trouble with stupid. We can lose weight, fix our nose and teeth, learn to take care of ourselves, learn to lighten up, etc, but just goes straight to the bone...
I need to work on that because, if you think about it, most stupid people probably can't really help it either.
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
Tec: Perhaps mental illness was the wrong term. I think at some point, it can become an emotional illness or at least a huge emotional issue. No pun intended.
Or maybe, mental illness is the correct term. If I trace my own weight gain, it is very linked to physical illness and depression, as well as physical disability. So, to the extent that you might classify serious clinical depression as a mental illness, then it could be correct to say it is related. I'm not saying that as an excuse, only acknowledging the contributing factors, which are also genetic. I have had family almost that large too.
I do see many contributing factors though that are emotional/mental illness related. Abuse, depression, addiction issues, eating disorders, of which I consider gross obesity as much one as anorexia or bulimia.
I will have to work twice as hard and eat half as much as the average person to keep my weight down, I realize. Motivation to do so, when I'm ill or in physical pain and depressed is not high.
I was very slim and athletic when I was young. Life happens. I do agree with you about the gradual steps though and the vicious circle one can get caught in.
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
Actually, I'm fat too, and have a disability and make fun of myself all the time too, on both counts. I find it's a little safer than making fun of other people, especially since I can't run too fast.
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
I think when obesity gets to the level of that woman in the picture, it truly is a physical illness and possibly a mental illness involved. Making fun of such people is the equivalent of making fun of the disabled, imo. They deserve compassion, I think.
okay, so my girls all moved out and we had three empty rooms and a lot of bills to pay.
so we decided to rent the upstairs room with its own bath.
we also have a three car garage and the single car garage is fully drywalled, has its own entrance and is huge.
Shelby: Do the tenancy laws vary from state to state in the US? They do vary from province to province in Canada.
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
I do think many in our society are uncomfortable with the fact that the elderly are often still very sexual creatures, and so are the disabled, and for that matter, ugly and fat people, also want to be touched and loved and admired also. It is a human need that we all share and I think our popular media and culture has turned us into incredibly shallow people. Just look at all the fuss over Jessica's Simpson's "mom" jeans or "Barack Obama's "mom" jeans? Jessica Simpson is an incredibly beautiful young woman and the press just eviscerated her for her jean choice and putting on a couple of pounds. Obama is a very attractive, very intelligent man and the leader of the most powerful country in the world and the same was done to him. What hope is there for the rest of us mere mortals?
I, for one, would like to see society as a whole learn to rise above such superficiality.
dear ones.
rather, it is our adversary who says we will do anything... anything... to avoid it.
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. even curse god to his face.
I appreciated your response Shelby, because it was from the heart and your experience and didn't carry any judgemental tone or comments (well at least not much ;-). I can't argue with it because it dealt solely with your subjective belief and experiences and contrary to what you stated, I have no wish to talk people out of their beliefs.
However, if one puts up one's beliefs for public discussion, then I will discuss them from my perspective and will not pretend to agree where I don't.
The one problem I did have with your post was the analogy of the stove. I don't think it fits your argument and actually proves my point. Because, we can both see the stove with our common eyes, we can both touch the stove and feel it with our hands. We can both hear the click of the burner as it turns on. We can see your burnt flesh if you touch the stove. We can both smell it. We can both lick the spilled substance off the stove and both agree that it is indeed chocolate. This is what I mean by common senses that allow us to agree on reality.
The one thing that humans have that allows them to come to some consensus on reality is these senses. Now you claim there are other senses, unseen ones and that I do have those receptors but am just refusing to use them. That is where we will have to agree to disagree because there is not a shred of evidence that this is true, that all can perceive, which would make it "common sense". Therefore it is uncommon sense that you are talking about as in a form of extrasensory perception that only some claim to possess. Or else it is a story that someone told you at one time in your life, and you CHOSE to believe it. Which is fine with me, actually. What is not fine with me is CHOOSING to judge others who do not accept other's stories without evidence, or who do not possess the same extrasensory perceptions.
If you truly do have some sort of extra sensory perception that allows you to hear Jesus speak to you with spiritual receptors than indeed you are special. (I say this sincerely). If you have chosen to believe stories told to you in books or in person from others, than you are very normal like the other 90% of others in this world who believe experiences of others and adopt them as their own truths when in fact they are outside their own actual knowledge and experience.
As far as people's mental health is concerned, well, that was no doubt unkind of me to make insinuations on yours. Since atheists, in fact, are the vast minority in society, we are the ones who are outside the societal norms and should be thankful, I suppose, that the majority do not have us thrown into the psyche wards and medicated until we agree to believe in the stories that have become accepted as societal "truths".
Which reminds me of another quote: If people think you are crazy, then you are talking to the wrong people! (I think that was paraphrasing Rumi, but am unsure)
Anyway, at this point, I think we will have to agree to disagree as you say. The meanings that we give to our experiences in this world our quite different and that's one of the things that makes humans interestingly different instead of carbon copies of each other and one of the things we can learn from.
Peace to you (also meant sincerely)
ps: Your job sounds really interesting
i'm at the grocery store.
walking ahead of me is this woman with a really nice butt in really tight jeans, small waist, nice hair.
(yes, guys, even us women notice other women's butts:-) she stops at the dairy section, turns around and i swear she is 60 if not older!
I don't believe I misunderstand you. I think if one is going to dish out the good natured digs, then one should be able to take them. At least, that's what I learned in the schoolyard.
Consider it dropped.